Yes, Dr House is British.

If Fry is a personality, Laurie is an artist. I unfortunately don't have much to say about him, as I haven't looked much into him on his own-- but he's absolutely a performer at heart. We can concider it a gift from god that he ended up an actor instead of a cop in Hong Kong.

Having watched a small chunk of his discography from the 80s and 90s, its apparent they'd use his musical talent any chance they got. He's a great singer, pianist, guitar player, and he does a killer mouth-trumpet. The man is real talent, he even has his own blues album, Let Them Talk.

Though known for being the grumpy yet brilliant Dr House in the States, Laurie started his career type-casted as rich buffoons and silly poofs. He had crazy expressions and was easy to throw around-- Laurie has an innate talent for looking befuddled and betrayed.


House from House
Newton from LittleBigPlanet 3
Mr. Little from Stuart Little
The spurned lover from the Walking On Broken Glass music video
The Cockroach from Monsters vs. Aliens
Steve from Arthur Christmas